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We are all volunteers putting in our time because we have seen the difference we can make with our Jewish Scouts. I am sure that you can look back and remember someone who has touched your life and made a difference from something they said or did.
We would live to have you join us and be part of this amazing group of dedicated volunteers so you to can see what happens when you touch another soul.
You can also see some of our current needs for volunteers below. If you don’t see something you are comfertable with, contact
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Kinnus Organization
We are currently divided into eight operating committees for our largest event, Kinnus. The committees vary in size as well as when and how the work is needed to be performed. Some committees will have sub chairmen. All of the committees will be outlined in later sections.
The current committees are:
- Publicity
- Registration
- OA
- Religious
- Eruv
- Program
- Shabbat Program
- Sunday / Monday Program
- Food / Dining Hall Administration
- Logistics / Medical
The publicity committee is in charge of preparing the necessary materials, getting out the word, this includes the information for the main event, separate Shabbat program, working with the OA for the OA program, and for new members to the JCOS committee and help other committees with their materials. Also including Website, Facebook, and Unit Contact.
The registration committee handles tracking of participants in each area. Checks people in, name tags, including Friday and OA verify forms and track all medical and reg forms. Assigment of jobs, Collect payment, handle parking and information
Updates mailing lists, books and confirms site, budgeting, gets budgets from others. Create event schedule, track registration with registration committee, track spending and changes, handles plaques, awards, etc, makes sure that other committees have needed resources. Coordinate equipment and other resources. Gate code, status of facilities available, 0rganize parking, food drop off, camping, Sound system, Radios and communications, OA, Keep event schedule moving, assignment of color groups and service jobs, radios, PA system, reimbursements, Awards and recognition along with the Publicity committee.
Food Committee / Dining Hall
Is responsible for menus, food budget, kitchen logistics, servers, needed equipment, shopping lists and assignments maintain kitchen rules, setting up of the dining hall.
Program committee
This is one of our largest committee they need to solicit and create program for the following groups. It also splits up between the Shabbos Program and the Sunday / Monday program.
- Cub Scouts boys 7-10i
- Boy Scouts Boys 11-19
- Venturing Girls or boys from 14-21
- Girls Scouts Younger (7-10)
- Girl Scouts Older 11-18
- Siblings younger 5-10
- Siblings Older 11-18
- Adults
This would include two campfires, Friday, Saturday day (with religious committee) sat night, Sunday morning , Sunday afternoon, sun evening, mon morning.
Publish schedules, coordinate OA involvement with OA committee, supervision for archery, BB gun, horse, rock climbing, hikes, swimming, merit badges, competitive events, awards, religious emblem workshops
Eruv committee
Responsible for putting up a kosher Eruv (usually the week before) and removing it after Shabbat. An Eruv is a physical demarcation of a boundary that creates a space that is not considered general public that allows certain activities like carrying on the Sabbath which would not be allowed in a general public space.
Religious committee
Coordinates’ services, shiurim / classses, Synagouge setup and machitsa (setup, scouts to daven and lein. Sefer torah, siddurim, divrei torah at meals, benching etc
This committee needs to work in advance to get people prepared to lein etc. This would nclude logiztics for conservative / reform / Eglatarian.
OA committee
Coordinates with Lodge to provide a shabbos / kosher ordeal and brotherhood in a manner to respect and honor of the OA. Takes care of registrations and med forms for candidates, brothers, staffing the ordeal, banquet, works with food committee and coordinates service projects during the ordeal with the camp ranger and post ordeal with program committee